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Don't Get Caught Off Guard with a Clogged Kitchen Sink!

Have a July 4th Cookout with all the Fun and the Kitchen Sink!

The scene is pure Americana. A long table spread with huge amounts of grilled foods, sides, and desserts. String lights hang elegantly over an area of plush seating where people mingle and sip drinks. An impromptu soccer game among the younger guests, although none of them know the rules. Music blares from strategically placed outdoor speakers. All's right with the world. 

Unfortunately, after a few hours, the clean-up has to begin. Mounds of trash and dirty dishes can make for a daunting task. What a person should not do is attempt to shove all the problems down the drain. This will only lead to the necessity of calling a plumber.

Say No to Food Waste and Coffee Grounds


The list of things that can go down a drain is quite short. The truth is that only water and soap belong in the kitchen drain pipes. The list of things that can cause clogs, on the other hand, is extensive. 

  • Bones and meat scraps
  • Coffee grounds
  • Stringy foods like celery
  • Starchy foods like potatoes

This list is far from comprehensive. The safest bet is to leave the food waste out of the equation. Drain pipes are best for liquids only.

Say No to Grease

When someone is grilling, there is often a lot of grease produced. The initial reaction because the hot grease is in liquid form is to pour it down the drain. Unfortunately, this is exactly the wrong thing to do. As the grease (fat) cools, it hardens and coats the interior of the pipes like cholesterol building up in an artery. Not only does this cause clogs, but it is very difficult to remove and may result in an expensive visit from a plumbing professional.

Say Yes to a Garbage (or Food Waste) Disposal

garbage disposalOne way to help mitigate problems with the kitchen pipes that is a once and for all solution is a garbage disposal. This device is an all but essential part of kitchen maintenance. By grinding bits of food waste into very small particles, this device can all but make kitchen clogs a thing of the past. 

There are multitude of reasons every homeowner should have one in their kitchen.

  • Waste is reduced: When one can eliminate the organic portion of trash from the home via the pipes, that is less trash to take out to the curb.
  • Food Waste Odor: Trash can emanate a horrendous smell as food begins to decay. When this residue is put down in a garbage disposal, broken up, and flushed down the pipe, this unpleasant smell is eliminated.
  • Eases Kitchen Clean-Up: Clean-up is much faster when dishes can be scraped and rinsed all in one place. 

While even top-of-the-line disposal might not be able to prevent a call to the plumber, it will certainly make summer living much easier.

About First Choice Plumbing Solutions

At First Choice Plumbing Solutions, the expert technicians are ready to help their customers 24 hours a day with no after-hours fees. They boast same-day leak detection and are known for their excellent customer service throughout the Port St. Lucie, FL area. Call them today for professional kitchen plumbing help!